What Are MusicalExpert's Terms and Conditions?

Thank you for visiting MusicalExpert. MusicalExpert is wholly owned and operated by Conjecture Corporation.

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Changes to Our Terms and Conditions

MusicalExpert reserves the right to change our Terms and Conditions without notice or liability to its visitors. Visitors can view our latest Terms and Conditions at any time by visiting: /what-are-terms-and-conditions.htm

Visitors are bound by modifications to our Terms and Conditions. Because this page can change from time to time, we recommend that visitors periodically review this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Terms and Conditions, feel free to contact us by email, or in writing to the following address:

Conjecture Corporation
re: MusicalExpert Terms and Conditions
PO Box 2130
Sparks, NV 89432

This page was last updated in April 2013.